Aminet 37
Aminet 37 (2000)(Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 2000].iso
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Assembly Source File
169 lines
* 24.asm Program to demonstrate tandem.library version 0.00 1.9.97
include 'Front.i' ;*** change to Tandem.i to step thru TL's ***
; If you were assembling a program for actual use, you would assemble
; it with Front.i, not Tandem.i. To step through Tandem.i routines:
; 1. when you come to jsr TLxxx(a6), place a breakpoint at TLxxx
; 2. then press run. This will stop at your breakpoint.
; 3. step through the TLxxx to see how it works.
; 4. the TLxxx will finally rts back to the mcline after the jsr in step 1
; 5. But, if you simply single step any jsr, tandem will step right
; through it in 1 step (hence the need for steps 1-4 to step through it)
; The program below conducts a conversation through the CLI window. If you
; were to run it through the workbench, Front.i would open a CLI-like
; monitor window, so the program would work just the same. The program
; uses MACRO calls. The program shows how you can use TL routines to do some
; basic tasks, and illustrates a primitive user interface via the CLI
; window.
* message strings
strings: dc.b 0
dc.b $0C,'Hello, CLI window',0 ;1
dc.b 'RAM:Temp',0 ;2
dc.b 'Out of memory: no public memory',0 ;3
dc.b 'Out of memory: no chip memory',0 ;4
dc.b 'Everything worked ok',0 ;5
dc.b 'Input an unsigned integer (less than 2 billion)',0 ;6
dc.b '(All done: Press <Return> to acknowledge)',0 ;7
dc.b 'Read/Write error',0 ;8
dc.b 'You input:',0 ;9
dc.b '10,000 bytes of public mem created OK.',0 ;10
dc.b 'Now, I''ll save string 12 to RAM:Temp, The MACROs are:',0 ;11
dc.b 'This is string 12 (34 bytes long)',0 ;12
dc.b ' TLstrbuf #2 (tfr string 2, i.e. ''RAM:Temp'', to buff)',0
dc.b ' TLopenwrite (open RAM:Temp)',0 ;14
dc.b ' TLstra0 #12 (point a0 to string 12)',0 ;15
dc.b ' TLwritefile a0,#34 (write 34 bytes [= len of string 12] to file)',0
dc.b ' TLclosefile (close file)',0 ;17
dc.b 'Now, I''ll read RAM:Temp back in back again. The MACROs are:',0 ;18
dc.b ' TLstrbuf #2 (tfr string 2, i.e. ''RAM:Temp'', to buff)',0
dc.b ' TLopenread (open RAM:Temp)',0 ;20
dc.b ' TLreadfile a4,#76 (read up to 76 bytes to buff)',0 ;21
dc.b ' TLclosefile (close file)',0 ;22
dc.b ' TLoutput (send string 12 to CLI)',0 ;23
dc.b 'Now, I''ll get a message from you. The MACROs are:',0 ;24
dc.b ' TLoutstr #6 (prompt)',0 ;25
dc.b ' TLinput (get input from user)',0 ;26
dc.b ' TLaschex a4 (get hex of number in buff to d0)',0 ;27
dc.b ' move.l d0,-(a7) (save d0)',0 ;28
dc.b ' TLoutstr #9 (send string 9)',0 ;29
dc.b ' TLhexasc (a7)+,a4 (convert input back to ascii in buff)',0 ;30
dc.b ' clr.b (a0) (delimit number)',0 ;31
dc.b ' TLoutput (echo number back to CLI window)',0 ;32
dc.b '(Press <Return> to acknowledge)',$0A,0 ;33
dc.b '10,000 bytes of chip mem created OK.',0 ;34
dc.b 'RAM:Temp read & printed - string 12 s/be above this line.',0 ;35
dc.b 0 ;36
dc.b 'Now, I''ll issue the MACRO: TLpublic 10000',0 ;37
dc.b 'Now, I''ll issue the MACRO: TLchip 10000',0 ;38
dc.b 'RAM:Temp now created.',0 ;39
ds.w 0
* memory pointers
pubmem: ds.l 1 ;pointer to 10000 bytes of public memory here
chipmem: ds.l 1 ;pointer to 10000 bytes of chip memory here
* program entry point - called by Front0.i with A4 pointing to xxp_tndm
TLoutstr #1 ;* greetings
TLoutstr #36
TLoutstr #37 ;* will create 10000 publilc
TLpublic #10000 ;create 10000 bytes of public mem
move.l d0,pubmem ;remember where
beq Pr_bad1 ;go if out of public mem
TLoutstr #10 ;success
TLoutstr #36
TLoutstr #38 ;* success, will create 10000 chip
TLchip #10000 ;create 10000 bytes of chip mem } Front.i
move.l d0,chipmem ;remember where } does so
beq Pr_bad2 ;go if out of chip mem } automaitcally
TLoutstr #34 ;success
TLoutstr #36
TLoutstr #33 ;* wait for acknowledge
TLoutstr #11 ;* will create RAM:Temp
TLoutstr #13
TLoutstr #14
TLoutstr #15
TLoutstr #16
TLoutstr #17
TLstrbuf #2 ;tfr 'RAM:Temp' to buff
TLopenwrite ;open RAM:Temp for writing
beq Pr_bad3 ;go if can't
TLstra0 #12 ;point a0 to string 12
TLwritefile a0,#34 ;write 33 bytes (= len of string 12)
beq Pr_bad3 ;go if can't (TLwritefile closes file if bad)
TLclosefile ;close the file. RAM:Temp now exists
TLoutstr #39 ;success
TLoutstr #36
TLoutstr #18 ;* will read RAM:Temp
TLoutstr #19
TLoutstr #20
TLoutstr #21
TLoutstr #22
TLoutstr #23
TLstrbuf #2 ;tfr 'RAM:Temp' to buff
TLopenread ;open RAM:Temp for reading
beq Pr_bad3 ;go if can't
TLreadfile a4,#76 ;read it back into buff (should read 33 bytes)
beq Pr_bad3 ;go if can't (TLreadfile closes file if bad))
TLclosefile ;close the file; string 12 s/be at start of buff
TLoutput ;send string 12 (as saved and read) to CLI window
TLoutstr #35 ;success
TLoutstr #36
TLoutstr #33 ;* wait for acknowledge
TLoutstr #24 ;* will get input
TLoutstr #25
TLoutstr #26
TLoutstr #27
TLoutstr #28
TLoutstr #29
TLoutstr #30
TLoutstr #31
TLoutstr #32
TLoutstr #33
TLoutstr #6 ;send string 6 to CLI window
TLinput ;get user response
TLaschex a4 ;get hex of number in buff to d0
move.l d0,-(a7) ;save d0
TLoutstr #9 ;send string 9
move.l (a7)+,d0 ;get num that was input
TLhexasc d0,a4 ;convert d0 back to ascii in buff
clr.b (a0) ;delimit number (TLHexasc points A0 past)
TLoutput ;echo number back to CLI window
bra.s Pr_good ;go wrap up
moveq #3,d0 ;error message - string 3
bra.s Pr_quit
moveq #4,d0 ;error message - string 4
bra.s Pr_quit
moveq #8,d0 ;error message - string 8
bra.s Pr_quit
moveq #5,d0 ;ok message - string 5
TLoutstr d0 ;send closing message
TLoutstr #7 ;ask for acknowledge
TLinput ;wait for closing message
rts ;back to Front.i to close down